Iyses Promotions & Royal Ithiopia Family Show & Dance benefit for the JRDC School in Shashamane, Ethiopia
Music navigated by: 🔊Vaughan AllStars & 🔊Joseph Deminsion, 🔊Natural Mystic Soldiers & 🔊Sensiminia Foundation Sound.
>>>Live Performances by:<<<
☆Cush I Kushanti☆
☆Sammy Dred☆
☆Iyata Safari☆
☆Nappa Tappa☆
☆Abajonai Kushites☆
☆Empress Idama☆
☆☆Ital Ethiopian Cursine for sale☆☆
July 27th 2019 @ The Black Elephant 611 Rodgers Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. Bet. Parkside & Winthrop